Details: Teslacigs Arktos Tank has 1.8ml e-juice capacity with Φ24mm. 10mm diameter drip tip can fit the lips for a comfortable touch. With the cross-..
Details: Teslacigs Invader 4X RDA features 25mm diameter and a easy coil building deck. It also comes with adjustable airflow system, you can adjust t..
Details: ThunderHead Creations Artemis RDTA Special Edition is the GLOBAL LIMITED edition and quantity 1666pcs only, collaborated with the Youtuber To..
Details:THC Tauren ONE RTA is the latest version from THC Tauren. The ONE RTA comes with 304SS and Pyrex Glass construction, which is durable and easy..
Details: THC Tauren Solo RDA, an updated version of THC Tauren RDA, is a well made rebuildable drip atomizer with 24mm diameter and deep juice well fo..
Details: The Thunderhead Creations Teemo Tank in 22mm diameter is made of stainless steel, with 2.5ml capacity and top filling design. In addition, th..
Details: ThunderHead Creations Tauren Elite Lite Pro RTA is a compact single coil RTA with 22mm two-post versatile deck to compatible with most mods ..
Details: ThunderHead Creations Tauren Elite Lite Pro RTA has a unique 15mm wide two-post versatile build desk that can install multiple airflow inser..
Details: Timesvape Ardent RDA is a premium Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer designed by TenaciousTXvapes and manufactured by Timesvape. It is made of 31..
Details: UD Goblin Mini V3is a rebuildable tank atomizer. It comes with two 16mm velocity RBA decks: the velocity deck for dual coils and the side vel..
Details:The UD Bellus RTA Rebuildable Tank Atomizer is designed by the popular Youde brand who are well known for their previous efforts in the Goblin..
Details: UD Zephyrus V2 RTA Tank, upgraded from Zephyrus V1 with unique design of prevent condensation on the bottom, bigger rebuildable deck, larger ..